Kids Nutrition
Our Paediatric Dietitians are highly trained and experienced working with children and families.
Jemma has worked at the Royal Children's Hospital which included experience in:
metabolic nutrition
allergies & intolerances
feeding dynamics/fussy eating
eating disorders
tube feeding
growth optimisation & nutritional adequacy
weight management clinic
developmental clinics
and many other areas
Jemma has also worked in Mother & Baby Units and Paediatric wards in regional hospitals, including Special Care & Paediatrics at Cairns Base Hospital. She has worked with children and families in community health at Dianella Community Health (Broadmeadows, Meadow Heights and Craigieburn), Greater Dandenong Community Health as well as community health in the Torres Strait and Northern Penninsula Area.
Nutrition for
Mums & Bubs
Breastfeeding: nutrition for mum & bub
Infant formula: what? why? when?
Reflux & colic
Food allergies & intolerances
Introduction of solids: what? when? how?
Is my baby getting enough?
Growth monitoring
Growth faltering & failure to thrive
Nutrition for
Toddlers and Children
Food allergies & intolerances
including lactose, fructose, FODMAPs
Coeliac disease
Is my child eating enough? Getting enough calcium/iron/other nutrients?
Growth monitoring
Growth faltering & failure to thrive
Family meal times & feeding dynamics
Fussy eating
Restricted eating/food aversions
Food interaction sessions for children with food aversions, restrictive eating patterns
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)